
Some Thoughts About Hugo

Let’s get one thing straight off the top. I really like Hugo, it’s quite fun conceptually, copying things from Scrivener into a Markdown file is not terrible, and should get quite a bit easier/automatic once I can get my hands on version 3 and get things set up properly. Now that I’ve just about got my site’s template files set up properly, that’s all that I really need to do.1 Hugo lets me fiddle with basically everything, and set most things up the way I want them. I think it was also probably the easiest way for me to make this type of website. I’m planning on using it for the foreseeable future.

An Entry Point

Here I have, finally, a first stab at a fresh website construction. Ideally this will be a place I can put bits of blog writing about various things I will never get paid to think about, maybe some random thoughts about video games and books, as well have a semi-organized place to put links to writing and non-writing projects and whatnot.